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PRODUCTION > Production Poultry

The live chicken production continues with our company poultries and contracted manufacturers.

Our company poultries;

The live chicken production are conducted with the computer-aided and environmentally controlled poultry houses with latest systems in the  broiler establishments of the central villages in Bolu Province in terms of each heating, cooling, ventilation, and equipment.

Our contracted manufacturers;

The contracted manufacturing is realized in the broiler poultry houses in  Bolu City Center, Gerede, Dörtdivan, Mudurnu and Zonguldak Devrek and Çaycuma District.

 Ak Piliç meets the inputs such as the  feed, chicks, vaccines, drugs, litter of the producers.

The continuous laboratory supported veterinary services  are supported by the Veterinary and Agricultural Engineers who works in the field at each stage of production.